After School Clubs / Care

We are excited to announce that once again, the YMCA and Capitol Language Services, will serve as our afterschool care vendors for SY2018-2019! Please find the information attached and below for the many options they will provide.
The YMCA provides before-care every day from 7am-8am, and aftercare every day from 3:15pm-6pm for a fee. Three-day-a-week and drop in options are available. Scholarships are provided to a limited number of families through an application based on needs. The application and pricing options can be found here. The aftercare day is comprised of snack, homework/academic time, physical activity and education, and special activities such as clubs. Questions and registration forms can be sent to and Registration forms can also be dropped off in the main office at SWWFS.
Capitol Language Services
Capitol Language Services (CLS) provides care every day from 3:15pm-6pm with a language class component available, for a fee. Scholarships are available on a limited basis. The language class schedule, registration, and pricing information can be found here. Students will be able to enroll in twice a week, or four times a week, language classes and aftercare, with the choice of 5 days a week care from 3:15pm-6pm. Questions can be addressed to and a flyer can be found here.

Our 2018 Fall Club Sign Up is now LIVE ONLINE from 9/14-9/18. All enrollment is determined via lottery. You will be notified by 9/20 of your accepted or waitlist status. Clubs begin the week of 9/24.
Please see the “menu” of options along with the description for each club offered attached or here:
Enrollment is now done ONLINE:
If you need a paper copy, please feel free to print the attachment, notify your teacher, or grab one in the main office.
If you have any questions, please contact
Thank you and we look forward to your participation!
Megan Hanley
Assistant Principal, Special Education Coordinator, LEA Representative